Population Health Management Academy

The Data into Action Academy is an accredited, interactive learning programme for health and care staff across Cheshire and Merseyside. It provides training on tools and dashboards, as well as active learning discussions and coaching.

The Academy aims to create consistency across the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System (ICS) in data-informed decision making. It aims to strengthen and empower leaders in the area to use data to address health inequalities and improve patient outcomes, and to create efficiencies. The Academy is suitable for anyone in the public sector who is responsible for commissioning or transforming services within the ICS footprint.

The programme is made up of three virtual workshops and active learning sets, each focused on readily available tools and dashboards that support data informed decision making:

  1. Enhanced Case Finding Tool
  2. Waiting List/Elective Recovery Dashboard
  3. Inequalities and Complexity 

It also covers the Business Intelligence Portal and Real-World Intervention Causal Evaluation (RICE) methodology.

  • Business Intelligence Portal

    The Business Intelligence Portal includes the tools and dashboards that are already available. The programme allows people to familiarise themselves with what already exists and supports them to navigate their way around existing data.

  • Enhanced Case Finding Tool

    Subject matter experts lead sessions on the functionality of the ECFT and offer support on how to use the tool to best effect. Action learning sets enable people to work through opportunity areas as part of a team.

  • Waiting List Dashboard

    This tool enables us to review waiting lists across the ICS and delve into the characteristics and needs of those who are waiting to receive care. For example, it could result in targeted interventions to optimise health and wellbeing in advance of surgery.

  • Inequalities and Complexity

    This involves working through the insight and associated opportunities for families with multiple complexities, often associated with poverty and broader determinant challenges. Action learning sets look at key inequalities challenges and how Data into Action tools can help address them.

  • Real-World Intervention Causal Evaluation (RICE) Methodology

    This methodology uses rapid linked data evaluation methods and research to support local and regional decision making. The Academy helps transformation leads to understand this methodology, when to use it, and how to manage projects in accordance with the approach.

Programme workshops and active learning sets are delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams, with additional digital collaboration on a dedicated FutureNHS workspace. Subject matter experts join the workshops and active learning sets to share their expert knowledge around the tools in focus and their application in the business setting, as well as sharing relevant case studies.

In addition, there is time to reflect on the application of these tools and dashboards in your own workplace, and the culture and behaviours required for success.

The content of the programme is driven by the priorities identified by the Cheshire and Merseyside multi-professional steering group, which is made up of clinicians and academics, to ensure that the programme is relevant to the needs of the people of Cheshire and Merseyside. This will mean that future cohorts of the academy may focus on different tools and content as needs and priorities change.

A schedule of standalone masterclasses will also be available for those who have an interest in these tools and dashboards but are unable to attend the full academy programme. These masterclasses will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and details will be shared on this website.

PHM Academy Vision: Proliferation of Knowledge and Skills 2025/26